



Who is Pierre?

Architect, painter, poet and author of several books, Pierre Wittmann lives in Thailand and explores the implications of art, healing and spirituality. Passionate about Buddhism and Tantric Shaivism of Kashmir, he also practices I Ching, Human Design and the Gene Keys.

Pierre has been writing a Journal since 1984 and feels a deep need to share his personal experiences, his thoughts on art and the fruits of his spiritual quest.

Since 2002, he has self-published a collection of shorts essays, A Guide to Happiness for the Third Millennium, two autobiographical books, Le parfum de l'éveil (in French) and Le jardin de la libération (in French), an illustrated book on his paintings, Peinture Peintures, a book of poems, Le silence des couleurs (in French), a novel, Marlène ou le jeu de la vie (in French), and two collections of glances on his life, Regarder la vie 1 and 2 (in French).

Created by Pierre Wittmann